Cleaning Equipment |  Entrance Mats and Safety Mats

Entrance Mats and Safety Mats

Entrance Mats, Dust Control Mats - Internal Use
Entrance Mats, Dust Control Mats - Internal Use
Entrance Mats, Dirt Barrier Mats - External Use
Entrance Mats, Dirt Barrier Mats - External Use
Safety Mats - Anti Fatigue Mats - Dry Environments
Safety Mats - Anti Fatigue Mats - Dry Environments
Safety Mats - Anti Fatigue Mats - Wet Environments
Safety Mats - Anti Fatigue Mats - Wet Environments
Conductive Mats and Non-Conductive Mats
Conductive Mats and Non-Conductive Mats
Speciality Mats
Speciality Mats
Leisure Mats
Leisure Mats
Ground Protection Mats
Ground Protection Mats
Logo and Safety Message Mats
Logo and Safety Message Mats

Heavy Duty Entrance Mats/Dust Control Mats

Keep internal floor surfaces clean and stop dirt at the door with our high quality entrance/dust control mats for internal use.

Stop dirt at the door and prevent dust and wet footmarks being carried in from outside.

Keep your premises safer, by avoiding slip hazards and reduce time and effort spent cleaning the indoor floor surfaces.

Outdoor Entrance Mats

These barrrier mats prevent large particles of dirt and grit being carried inside on shoes, especially trainers and shoes and boots with a deep tread.

Makes the job of the inside mat a lot easier and provides a doubly effective dirt barrier.

Indoor Safety Mats

Prevent accidents and keep floors clean and safe

Anti Fatigue Mats

Reduce aches and pains when standing for long periods on hard surfaces like concrete. Available for use on dry floors and wet floors.

Conductive Mats and ESD Mats

Provide insulation for the worker and prevent serious injury from electrical shocks.

Non-Conductive Mats

Prevent accidents when working with electricity and damage to sensitive equipment from static electricity.

Speciality Mats

Our speciality mats include gymnasium mats for use with weight lifting equipment, sticky mats which remove dust and debris from footwear in sensitive areas.

Leisure Mats

Non-slip mats for changing rooms and poolsides.

Cleaning Equipment |  Entrance Mats and Safety Mats